I love the phrase, progress over perfection. It’s three little words that pack a punch. I never considered myself a perfectionist. I grew up around perfectionists, and I think I took a different path because they always seemed unhappy.

Why would I want to disrupt my peace for the sake of perfection?

But over the years, I also realized I was never making a lot of progress on the big, life-changing goals and dreams I had. What was holding me back? Why wasn’t I doing the things I wanted to do?

It turns out it was perfection. I wanted to have every single thing just perfect before I would finish. The challenge was that I could never get it perfect. As soon as I thought it was, I’d look at it again (it being whatever dream, project, or goal I was working on), and I’d see something that could be better.

Perfection was at an all-time high, and I never even realized it! When I saw this phrase, “Progress over perfection,” it became another mantra for me. Nothing I ever create will be perfect. It will be far from it, but that’s okay.

Now I’m more concerned about making progress than having everything perfect. What about you? Do you consider yourself a perfectionist? Does it keep you from making progress?


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I believe you’re here for a reason and that because you exist, you matter. Your dreams and ideas matter too. And I think it’s time you made an impact with all of it. 

I’m a motivational speaker, podcaster, writer, and content creator based in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, with a lot of curiosity about the world and the humans that fill it.


    An email that’s part pep-talk, some strategy, & a bit personal. Yep.